1. Help Center
  2. Portal Administrator
  3. Inviting Users to Join Your Portal

Using a url to allow users to sign-up for your portal

Instead of using the Members Table to add new members, Portal Administrators can also send a url for users to click and join their portal.

  1. Administrators can add a branded url to their emails, newsletters, website, or other promotional materials, that allows a individual to sign-up and join the administrator's portal.
  2. The sign-up url is custom-branded to each portal.
  3. Here's the url structure to send:
    1. https://gravity.startupscience.io/portal/[your-portal]/sign-up

  4. [Your-portal] is replaced with your portal's custom url.
    1. Administrators can find their portal's custom url by looking at the url of their member's table.  
    2. For example, in the url: gravity.startupscience.io/porta/FLP/members, the custom url portion is FLP.
    3. Custom urls are case sensitive.
  5. For example, for the FLP portal, here's the url their administrator would send for users to sign up:
    1. https://gravity.startupscience.io/portal/FLP/sign-up