The Academy

The Academy is a collection of microlearning courses designed to help founders avoid common early-stage startup mistakes.

  1. The Academy is a collection of microlearning courses designed to help founders avoid common early-stage startup mistakes.
  2. Founders can Watch, Listen, or Read courses, and apply the material directly to their startup in Practical Application exercises. 
  3. Access the Academy from the Founder left navigation section.
  4. The Academy consists of Courses, and those Courses are grouped into pre-built Collections by topic or focus.
  5. Use the search window at the top of the Academy page to find specific Courses or Collections by keyword.

  6. You can see courses you've started or completed under the "My Courses" tab

  7. If your organization has built their own custom collections, you can find them under the tab titled with your organization's name. For example, "Visionaries Collections" if you're a member of the Visionaries portal:

  8. When a course is opened, it defaults to the "Watch" version of the course. Change between video, audio, and text versions of the course. They all contain the exact same information. Founders can also access Additional Resources like Infographics to assist learning.
  9. Many courses have a Practical Experience section located beneath the course content
    1. This lets founders apply the course material to their own startup
    2. Some Practical Experience sections have an automated tool to help founders get defensible, valuable data for pitches and investor communications. Or they can choose to complete the Practical Experience manually.
    3. Data from Practical Application sections will populate the Founder's Startup Profile.
  10. Users can track their progress in a course using the progress tracker on the right:
  11. For a course to be marked as COMPLETE, the user must:
    1. Click the button acknowledging that they watched, listened, or read the course
    2. If a Practical Experience section is included in the course, that must be completed