What is InvestorMatch?

InvestorMatch provides a curated list of investors matched to your startup's industry, funding stage, and location. Investors are delivered to your Investor Table with key information including contact data.

  1. InvestorMatch provides a curated list of investors matched to your startup's industry & vertical, funding stage, and location. Investors are delivered to your Investor Table with key information including contact data.
  2. We recommend founders take the Speaking With Investors courses before using InvestorMatch.
  3. Access InvestorMatch from the Tool Store, or from the Speaking With Investors courses in the Academy.
  4. How to use InvestorMatch
    1. In the top section (Search Investors):
      1. Enter keywords to find your startup's primary industry or vertical. Click to select your industry or vertical from the list.
      2. Now choose the funding stage your startup is in (Pre-seed, Seed, Series Seed, Series A, or Series B+)
      3. If you'd like to limit your search to investors who have invested in specific countries, then click the Countries toggle "on" and choose one or more countries.
      4. Finally, you can limit your search to only investors who have participated in funding rounds as a lead investor.
      5. Click the "Match Investors" button to start the search.
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    2. You keep access to all investors you download to your table, and their data is updated every time you access your table.
  5. Your Investor Table:
    1. Each row on your table is a different investor
    2. Here are important columns on your Investor table:
      1. New - investors added from your most recent search will have a checkmark in this column
      2. Type - this will show whether the investor is a Corporate, Family Office, Angel, or other type of investor.
      3. Portfolio - click the icon to see the most recent companies added to this investor's portfolio
      4. Connect - click the icon to see critical contact information like email, LinkedIn, and the investor's website.
      5. Status - click the chip to select the status of this Investor. Options are: Saved, Contacted, In Progress, Funded, Declined
      6. Share My Profile - click the icon to send your Company Profile to this investor via email. 
      7. Notes - take notes about this investor and your interactions with them.