Adding a Member to your Portal Using the Members Table

You can add members directly to your members table using the Add Member function. You can add members manually, or add multiple members using a csv file upload

  1. Logged in as a Manager or Owner, open the Members Table from the left navigation
  2. At the top of your Members Table, click the "Add Members" button
    1. To add one or more members manually:
      1. Enter the email address of the new member (required)
      2. Enter the first and last name of the member (required)
        1. Note, that if this member already has a Gravity account, their existing first and last name will be used if you provide a different first or last name.
      3. Assign the new member one or more roles by checking the box next to the role name. Learn more about roles here.
      4. To add another member, click the "+Add another member" button
      5. When done adding members, click the "Save All" button
      6. A green banner will appear verifying your new member(s) have been added to your portal.A drawer will appear on the right side of the screen, and default to "Add manually"

    2. To Bulk upload multiple members via a .csv file:
      1. In the right Add Members drawer, click the "Bulk Upload" tab at the top.
      2. Following the instructions in the drawer, download the template .csv file to your computer by clicking the link.
      3. In the downloaded .csv file, enter all data for each member you want to add
        1. Important:  you must provide First Name, Last Name, Email, and Role for every member you want to add
        2. Each row in the .csv represents a single new member
        3. Do not add, remove, or change any column names
        4. You can only assign a single role (Founder, Mentor, Investor, Manager) during Bulk upload. But you can add more roles from your Members table after upload is complete

      1. Save your .csv file
      2. Drag and drop the .csv file into the window titled "Upload new .csv file" at the bottom of the right drawer
        1. When successfully uploaded, the window will say "CSV Ready"
        2. If there are missing columns or errors in the data, a red banner will appear, alerting you what the error is.
      3. Click the "Save All" button at the bottom of the right drawer
      4. A green banner appears at the top of the drawer to let you know all members were added successfully

  1. Newly added members will receive an email from "Startup Science" with a subject line of "Your new Your Portal Name account."  For example, if your portal was named "FLP", then the new user would see an email with a subject line "Your new FLP account".
    1. Newly added users can click the button in the email to create their password, and login to your portal
    2. Once the user has created their password and logged in, their Last Login date on your Members table will change from "N/A", to the date they created their password.